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PB'S Six foot track - 4:09 March 08 3000m 9:50 - October 09 5000m 17:25 10k 36:03 - may 2009 1/2 marathon 79:56 marathon 2:54:56

Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday day 5 of no running. What a difference 24hrs can make!

Again no running and shin was sore when I got up but felt a lot better than yesterday and by tonight it feels fine walking on. No pain whatsoever! If I jump up and down no pain but if I push off on the foot barefoot a slight pain. So After the past 5 days of having this thing ache like it was a stress fracture, tonight it feels almost normal. The past 6 or 7 weeks it's been sore at all times but sometimes just a small ache but right now no pain at all! That's something that put a big smile on my face and I may be back running again soon....yay!!!!

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