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PB'S Six foot track - 4:09 March 08 3000m 9:50 - October 09 5000m 17:25 10k 36:03 - may 2009 1/2 marathon 79:56 marathon 2:54:56

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sunday,,,Hunter Valley Marathon

Got up at 4am. Had 3 slices of toast with Jam & a coffee then went with Nat around 4:45am. We got there about 6:10am. Had a toilet stop then we just fluffed around in the foggy cold until we started.
There were 4 of us together at the 1k mark. Did that km in 4:02 so I let the 3 go & sat back abit. I wanted to do around 4:05 to 4:15 pace. I felt great for pretty much the whole run. Went through 1/2way in 87:28. I kept 4th spot until 30k then was in 3rd place. I knew I couldn't catch the guy in 2nd so just wanted to hold the guy behind me off. I knew he was dying. I started to feel stuffed around 37km at the end of the hill before we cross the road. I still felt ok though and was still holding onto 4:15pace. Not sure what happened but as soon as I got to 39km it all got really tough! This bit is on a dirt path up a slight incline. I got to 41km & my pace had slowed to about 4:40ish. I was coming into the finish & about 50m from the line I saw the guy just behind me. I could hear Charlie & Ken Hickson yelling that he was there. I sprinted that last 50m as hard as I could. I came so close to falling about 10m rom the finish line. Anyway held him off and got 3rd in 3:01:18


Ran with trotters and was spose to be the round drive. Since I'm doing the marathon tomorrow I only wanted to run really easy. We got to Avoca lake & the crossing was open so I ran with Jason along the beach to Charles Kay then to Terrigal dve & back to Terrigal. Then ran easy home.
I spent the rest of the day driving my girls to Canberra. Saw a client there & ran 4.5km with him then drove back to Sydney to Nat's place then we made our way to my place. Long day!


Just an easy 10k from Terrigal to Wamberal & back

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Just ran easy from Terrigal to Forries & back. 12k done. Could feel the leg but it managed ok


Raining this morning so I went to the gym and did intervals of 1k moderate then 1k easy. Got 5x1k moderate done. 10k all up


Ran easy 10.5km from the Haven to Wamberal & back

Sunday 11th July

Ran 1hr on the road as it was dark then got on the trails at Stromlo and ran for just over another hr

Sat 10th July

Did easy 11k on lake Burley Griffin

Then a bit later I ran another 6k with a client

Both runs were done easy pace

Friday July 9th

On my way to Canberra I stopped at Campbeltown gym & did a moderate 10k in 46:28 on the treadmill

Thurs 8th July

Easy 10 on treadmill as it was raining in 47:40

Wed july 7th

Easy 12k from Terrigal to Forries & back
Leg felt pretty good

Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Did 2 runs. First just an easy 8k from Terrigal to Wamberal & back

Tonight I did the 5000m on the track. A 3k warmup then did 18:00 for the 5k then a 2k warmdown

Sunday Goldcoast marathon

All went as planned. Got up just after 5am but woke up much earlier. Had 3 slices of toast with Jam and a coffee. We walked over to the start about 2.5k and dropped or bags at the SMC tent. Paced Nat spot on 23:xx for about every 5k to the 40k then she slowed just a bit. Wanted between 3:20 & 3:25 and finished with 3:21:10
Then back to hotel for beer & rest legs in the pool then to surfclub where we had a great night!

Sat in Goldcoast

Ran easy 8.7k around Surfers on my own


Just ran an easy 11.5k with Nat

Thursday, July 01, 2010


Felt ok running this morning. Still tight butt/leg & did stop to stretch it a couple of times. Ran from Terrigal to Erina then on the base of Kincumber mtn and back to Terrigal
16.5km all up
Just ran easy

Go to Sydney tonight & fly to Goldcoast tomorrow