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PB'S Six foot track - 4:09 March 08 3000m 9:50 - October 09 5000m 17:25 10k 36:03 - may 2009 1/2 marathon 79:56 marathon 2:54:56

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday....City to Surf massage style

Big long day! Much easier to run this event than to massage at it.
So the day starts with my alarm going off at 3:15am and 15min later I manage to get up. By 4am I'm on my way to Bondi Beach and by 5:20am I've parked the car gone and set my gear up then met with some other massage therapists and we head off for a bit of a work meeting and back to watch the leaders finish.

Pretty much started massaging at 9am and didn't stop until 2:30pm. Lot's of runners massaged in that time.

Then it was the drive home.

So that's my training day done!

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