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PB'S Six foot track - 4:09 March 08 3000m 9:50 - October 09 5000m 17:25 10k 36:03 - may 2009 1/2 marathon 79:56 marathon 2:54:56

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sri Chinmoy 24hr turned 12hr.....GRRRRRRR!!!!!

Thats the way the cookie crumbles. Sometimes thing work out and other times they slap you in the face. For me this race slapped me in the face real hard!

I've learnt with races like this you need to treat them with respect and with each race comes a new learning experience.

I thought I was running well but now I think about it the more I realise how disrespectful I was with this race.
2 things that went wrong

1 - I need to work on my nutrition side of things. I can get away with 100mile trail races and 12hr races on what I do but this is a whole new ball game

2 - I need to start off slower! I should've stuck to my race plan, included regular walk breaks where I eat and STUCK TO IT!

Anyway this was my first attempt at this thing so its a great learning curve.

Quick summary of how my race went

We leave home at around 6am and get to the track a bit after 7am. We set up tent and relax until 10am.
First thing I notice is how quick some of these runners start off! One guy was running about 4:30/km pace I reckon! I just settled into a nice rhythm but was still way too fast at about 5:15/km pace.
The morning was going quite quick and before I know it the 6hr race was on it's way.

I really didn't feel like I needed to slow down as I felt so comfortable for most of the time I was out there.
I moved my way up from 6th position at the start to 1st position and kept that until I stopped.
At 7hrs20min I'd covered 80km and decided to slow the pace a bit
The first sign of fatigue came about 10hrs in but I still felt great.
It was about this time Mick, Jess, Jono, Charlie and some others came by to watch on thier way home from Nowra. That was a nice surprise. It must've looked funny us runners going so slow around an athletic track after racing the state x-country champs!

Anyway 11hrs40min I started to feel sick and had trouble eating. All of a sudden One minute I'm feeling in control and the next I'm feeling in trouble

15min later I have a toilet break and start to see everything spinning. I stumble out of the toilet and my hamstring that was handling everything so well decided to get really sore. All of a sudden I'm thinking "how am I going to get through another 12hrs of this?"
I ran back to the tent have a seat and within 5min all my legs seized up. Another 5min and I decided to pull the pin

I ended up with 120.8km in 11hrs55min
Anyway 11hrs

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