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PB'S Six foot track - 4:09 March 08 3000m 9:50 - October 09 5000m 17:25 10k 36:03 - may 2009 1/2 marathon 79:56 marathon 2:54:56

Monday, December 22, 2014

FFS.......Day 34!

Just get better damn you!
Getting a little frustrated now. The last prp hasn't seemed to have much effect and I'm now feeling rather pissed off to be quite honest. One thing yesterday morning I got through a spin class no problem and it wasn't any worse after. On Sat I went to Trotters and ran but that wasn't pretty. In fact the leg was just sore and miserable and was achy for the rest of the day. 10km at 6:16km pace and that's too much? Bloody hell. Before I decided to stop running all wasn't too bad. I couldn't do speed work but at least I could run. Now after having a bit of time off its so bad it hurts to plod. You try to do all the right things to get back on track and its like it slaps you in the face.
Anyway Jamie did mention it could be an ischial bursitis so today I traveled down to Sydney to get an ultrasound which showed thickening of the hamstring tendon. They said it's hard to see if there's an inflamed bursa but tomorrow I travel back to Sydney again for a cortisone shot under ultrasound.
Let's see what happens tomorrow

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