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PB'S Six foot track - 4:09 March 08 3000m 9:50 - October 09 5000m 17:25 10k 36:03 - may 2009 1/2 marathon 79:56 marathon 2:54:56

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wed already!

I woke up this morning and again I can feel that bloody hammy/glute. It's not too bad but annoying more than anything. Decided to just do 2x10k runs both on the treadmill at about my pace I plan on going at the start in the 24hr race in a few weeks time. First run was at 6am and done in 59min. One of the slowest 10k I think I've done

Second 10k was done at 5pm and again really slow. In fact I kinda went off into my own little world! 57min for that one

I've really felt like taking some time off to let it heal but I've entered the Macleay river marathon in just over 1 weeks time and 2 weeks later I've got the 24hr.
My plan was to run a good marathon but not race it and do about 3hrs then taper for 2wks then get some big km's in the 24hr.
Plan now is to train to just keep the legs kicking over without putting any strain on the hammy and who knows...it might heal if I just run slow. Then to run the marathon with Denise which should be just slightly faster or about my 24hr pace in about 4hrs.
Then I still plan on doing some big km's in the 24hr as my hamstring doesn't seem to be affected by running slow and not striding out.

After the 24hr my next major race will be GNW100m so I can afford to have 8-12wks rest if need be. I'm not too bothered about that as last yr I was off with a pinched nerve causing sciatica from July to mid Sept and still had a good GNW race

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