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PB'S Six foot track - 4:09 March 08 3000m 9:50 - October 09 5000m 17:25 10k 36:03 - may 2009 1/2 marathon 79:56 marathon 2:54:56

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Easy Wed and shin was pretty gooooood!

Early morning run getting out running at 5:40am. 16.3km in 1:17:27 (4:45 km pace) from home to just over the rip bridge and back.
Just ran an easy to moderate pace and was really happy with my shin. It was about a 2/10 pain wise for most of the run except for some of the downhill on the way back when it became about 4/10 and was more in the calf.

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