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PB'S Six foot track - 4:09 March 08 3000m 9:50 - October 09 5000m 17:25 10k 36:03 - may 2009 1/2 marathon 79:56 marathon 2:54:56

Monday, August 05, 2013

Monday in the pool

I was going to get up really early (5am) and go to the pool but after 12 beers last night I decided to sleep in until 6:15am. So still up early but had to get ready for work.

Off to the doctor to see what he recons about my xray and as I thought there was no sign of anything so I got him to refer me for a bone scan. So that's what he did and Friday I go and get that done.

I got a quick swim done at 3:30pm. 1km pretty much none stop in 17min22sec. That felt pretty easy and was much faster than I've done in a long time.

Other good news is my leg pain has no pain. I've pushed on it jumped up and down on the spot ran up the road and back and also after yesterdays walk no pain so all is looking good!

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