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PB'S Six foot track - 4:09 March 08 3000m 9:50 - October 09 5000m 17:25 10k 36:03 - may 2009 1/2 marathon 79:56 marathon 2:54:56

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Taper time

It's been a steady road back and after about 8 weeks back running I'm pretty happy with the way my running is panning out. My speed isn't there by any means but I feel my endurance is.
This weekend I'm going to have a go at my 3rd 12hr. This one is in Canberra at the Stromlo running festival. I feel I'm in ok shape for this and to be honest I'd really like to do a PB. To do that I need to run at least 130.052km. Not sure if it will happen as anything can happen in 12hrs of running but I'll give it a go. Really though it's pretty much a training run for Coburg 24hr in April.

Training in the last 8 weeks has been steady.
Back in the end of December I got a 24km run in around Sydney which almost killed me. Then a few days later on New yrs day I ran the black stump 30 something km's on a really hot day and even though I finished in an ok time I was pretty smashed for the next day or so. Then on 6th Jan I ran the Trotters around the bay 37km feeling much better running that comfortable in 2hrs53min and was the 2nd runner finished. The only problem there was a blood blister and a corn in my foot.
A week after that I raced the Manly Dam race. 10.2km of very tough trails and after getting the corn cut out of my foot I had a pain free race. Only lack of speed was my problem there.
The week after that on the 20th Jan I ran with the Trotters again and this time it was a memorial run for Muzza. 21km on the infamous Wambie Woppers run. Body felt great in that and I got another 9km in after to round it off to 30km
On Aussie day I entered in a team event for Knapsack 6hr then backed it up by running Woodford to Glenbrook the next day. With all this I could feel where I have been injured but each week of running seems to have improved it.
Then a week later on the 3rd of Feb I ran Megalong Mega on the 6ft track. About 36km of very hilly running. That was my worst run since I've been back. Right near the end I bonked! No energy left and had to sit on a rock for 15min and borrow some food of some very kind fellow runners. They took pity on me! Once I got food in me I could finish the final 2.5km to the finish.
Then last week I raced the Manly Dam race again going about 1min30sec faster and had no pain at all.

So there we are.... 4 days away from a 12hr and I've done the best I can to be in the shape I am in that time. When you think it wasn't all that long ago I couldn't do any running at all I'm pretty happy with how I've gone.

This week will just be easy 10km every day until Fri when I will just run 6km.

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