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Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Day 14 and 2nd prp injection

Tuesday 2nd December and 14 days since my first prp injection I had the second one today. This time Jamie injected the plasma in 3 areas in my hamstring. One was the same as last time another more on the bicep femoris tendon and the 3rd was more muscle/tendon junction of the medial hamstrings. The bicep femoris injection really felt like he got it in the spot and the muscle/tendon was also right where I've been getting pain. 
One of the annoying things with high hamstring pain is it can be hard ro work out where it's all coming from. 

After the injection I had an ache for pretty much the rest of the day which is different than the first injection where I felt fine. I ended up putting a compression bandage around the tendon and the helped a lot. After about 4 hrs with the bandage on it started to get achy again so I took it off and now my hamstring is feeling really really really good! 
I'm not getting too excited just yet but this is the best it's felt in a long time

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