I know it's been a long time since I've blogged, but I've had a frustrating month of hamstring, glute, pirformas & sciatica injuries. Well I did my first run yesterday since almost 3weeks ago. It was with a client in canberra & about 8k in total. I did another run today. This time 20k from Wamberal over to Avoca & back along the Senic hwy. I ran really slow. Managed to do a cycle class as well. In the time I had off from running my leg was getting worse. I think the running helps it but it needs to be slow running. So no speed work for this old fella! Well It's my first injury for the year & it's a bloody big one! I'll get physio/massage on it every week until it's good again. I'm still hoping to run 6ft. Don't know if I could race it but I might be able to run it.
I got back from the Gold Coast on Thursday with my girls. I dropped them back yesterday in Canberra & I miss them heaps already! We had a magic time together.
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