Again a ride was in order today. Set out from Bensville to Budgewoi then down to WoyWoy.
92.5k in 3hrs22min. Pretty slow but it was really windy. Also just didn't fel like killing myself out there
About Me

- bear
- PB'S Six foot track - 4:09 March 08 3000m 9:50 - October 09 5000m 17:25 10k 36:03 - may 2009 1/2 marathon 79:56 marathon 2:54:56
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Sat and 2 weeks since Narrabeen
Well after my attempt at running last week that sore foot I got right at the end of my 10k run has still been sore. Too sore to run on. I seem to have inflammed my peroneal tendon. Pain on the lateral arch of my foot with push off. Managed a couple of spin classes this week and went for a nice ride (55k) from Bensville to Magenta then back to Terrigal.
Foot was heaps better after the ride but got sore as the day went on
Foot was heaps better after the ride but got sore as the day went on
Friday, January 20, 2012
How I started running
One of the most common & frustrating things I see in the exercise world is people wanting to lose weight, whining & complaining that they aren’t happy with their body. I see this everyday. Every now & then I find someone who decides enough is enough & they do something about it.
I was one of those people
I decided to get what really bothers me out of my head & down on paper.
I believe, no in fact I know that if we want something bad enough we will get it. If it’s important enough we will do what needs to be done to get what we want.
We all need GOALS! Without goals we have no idea where we are going or what we want. If you decide to get married what do you do? Do you say I’m going to get married one day then expect it to happen? Do you need to get more specific? Maybe you might need to work out how it’s going to happen. I mean if you say your going to get married I think you need a partner. It’s a bit hard to get married on your own! You may have to set a date. What about a location? Food? Music? & then once you work out all the details you then need to sit down & work out who’s attending. After all this you then need to make an investment or hope mum or dad will pay for it. Either way you will find the money & the time to make that wedding happen. It will become a priority in your life. You want it bad & you will get it!
Lets look at another subject. Let’s say work. Why are you working? Is it to pay for the things you want out of life? Did you wake up one day & hey presto you had a job? Or did you have to put effort & planning in to getting that job. Maybe you had to work out what you wanted to do. You might had to spend time getting educated to get the skills required to do that job. Do you wake up in the morning & think to yourself if you should go to work or do you just get up & go. Most people have a system where they go in to auto pilot & get ready for work without to much thought. They have done it consistent enough so it’s a habit.
Another subject. Lets look at that holiday or short trip away. If you have a holiday planned for let’s say the Gold Coast. You book the airfare, you book the accommodation, you plan it all in advance. You know when you are leaving & when you are returning. If you catch a plane you even know what time your going. You make it a goal & a priority in your life to go on that holiday. Let’s say you wake up the morning you are leaving with a bit of a cold or you feel under the weather. Maybe even a bit sick. Do you cancel that holiday? NOT ON OR LIFE! You set a goal up & you will achieve it.
Now why is it then that we say I want to lose weight & expect it too happen? If you can find a job, find the time & money for a holiday or even plan a wedding why can’t you lose weight? It’s not rocket science. You MUST COMMIT! You have to be CONSISTANT. You need specific goals & a deadline. If you really want to lose that weight you can do it. If you haven’t then you don’t want to. Now I do believe that some people do have medical conditions that really do stop them from loosing weight, but most of us don’t have that problem. Our desire just isn’t strong enough.
If we spent less time making excuses for & more time committing you would reach your goal.
When was the last time you changed your mind about doing your exercise because you were tired? Have you ever cancelled you personal training session because of something else? Guess what? That something else is more important to you than loosing that weight. If you want to lose weight, get fit or tone up then you need to be making it the number 2 priority in your life. What’s number 1? It’s family. Number 2 is health & wellbeing & number 3 is work.
Here is a little story about the old me who found out about goals & was sick of being MR AVERAGE.
I use to be 100kg before I started running. I use to hover around 80kg then not long after my second daughter was born (she was 3 month premature & a lot of time was spent in hospital) I put it all on. I did manage to get some off over the following year & was around 88kg to 93kg. Then one day I had to get into a suit & the bloody pants were so tight I thought I had on the wrong pants. It was then I said bugger this I’m going to lose the weight. It MUST come off. I’m in my early 20’s & getting obese! It must have been that night I took Sharnie our Bull Mastiff for a run/walk. We went for around 20min & I was stuffed. Could hardly breathe. I used my asthma puffer almost 6 times! Now I could have gave up quite easily but thought to myself this has to get easier. I started taking Sharnie for a daily run/walk. 30min was the most I could handle. I was waking up sore & stiff but noticed I was feeling better as the day went on. This went on for about 2 weeks & after all of this I hadn’t lost much weight. Maybe ½ kilo. I thought I need to address what I’m eating. Now I was eating CRAP! And a lot of it. Loved my butter. Loved my chocolate. Loved my biscuits. Loved my coke. I was eating pies, sausage rolls, ice-cream. I was drinking fullcream milk. I’d have almost 2lt of that a day. Cheese…..yummmm. Loved my takeaway. I use to work as a storeman & I can remember many a times having morning break at 8:30am & having hot chips! Anyway the fact is I had to change what I was eating. I could do all the exercise in the world but if I wanted to reach my goal I had to change my eating habits.
I decided to go cold turkey. I gave up drinking anything but water. Water was all I drank. Now let me tell you it was a massive shock to the body! I gave up the butter, the ice cream, the chocolate. I started & having stirfrys for dinner & taking leftovers for lunch. My morning break was now fruit & yoghurt. As soon as I changed my eating habits I lost 20kg between February & April. It was a new me!
Now my goal at the time was to run around Lake Ginninderra non stop. This is a 7km loop around one of the lakes in Canberra. I can even remember the month when all this started. It was mid January and the year was 1999. It took me about 3 weeks to reach that goal. Now do you think I ran once or twice a week? NO. I ran 5 x a week rain, hail or shine. I was committed to reaching what I had set out to achieve & nothing was going to stop me! I just figured I’d lose the weight on the way
I ran 5 x a week & ate healthy. That’s all I did. In this time I was getting fitter & less stressed. I did this with a job working from 6am to 3pm and at the time I had 3 daughters & was married. When did I run? When did I fit this in? I dedicated 4pm & 5pm to my running.
I was starting to like running so I thought I might try & go in a race. I had no idea how I would go & was terrified that I might come last. But hey….running was keeping the weight off & I had reached my goal of running around the lake & I knew if I didn’t pick an event I would stop. I was getting board. I got on the internet & found out about the Canberra half marathon in May. It was 1 lap around Lake burley griffin. 21.1km!!!!! I thought if I could run 7km I could run 14km. If I can run 14km I could do 21km. So I set out for a long run of 14km around Lake Ginninderra 2 times. I have never felt so bloody exhausted in all my life! I did do it but bloody hell it was tough! I had about 4 weeks to get ready for this thing. I entered so now I was COMMITED! If I didn’t do this thing I was going to lose my $25 I invested & damn if I was going to let that happen!
One Saturday morning after I had finished work I parked my car at Lake Burley Griffin. I took a water bottle with me & off I went. I ran slow just wanting to get around the lake non stop. I knew if I could do it I could finish the race. Now if you think 14km is hard you should try 21km!
Over the next couple of weeks I ran that thing EVERY SATURDAY. I made it my Saturday goal. Nothing was going to get in the way. If I had to I would run at 5am. (never had to but I would’ve) I knew if I didn’t I wouldn’t complete the race.
Sunday 16th may 1999 was the race date & I remember heading off & plodding around the course. I finished running non stop in 1hr 37min & 44 seconds. I was placed 133rd overall. There must have been 400 or 500 people in it. Was I happy? Heck yeah! I completed my first ever race! I was weighing around 72kg & was feeling on top of the world! Much different than 5 months earlier when I couldn’t run for 30min without walking & was about 25kg heavier! The problem with all of this I found a new passion. I hated running but loved the results it gave me. And finishing a race was the best feeling in the world.
It’s now May 2007. It’s 8yrs ago I ran that race. It’s 8yrs ago I lost that weight. As I write this I’m about to race the Canberra half again. This will be my 6th Canberra half. A lot has changed since I set that goal 8yrs ago. I’ve been on quite a journey. It was a year later I completed my first marathon. That’s another story for another time but let me tell you that (at the time was the most painful thing I had ever done!) the marathon changed my life. I completed that marathon in 3hrs 40min 2sec. I couldn’t walk without limping for a week & it took 3 weeks before I could run again!
8 yrs on I have completed 9 marathons. The quickest in 2hr 56min. I have completed around 30 half marathons & 1 ultra marathon. I’m training for my 10th marathon in July & I’m completing another Canberra Half this weekend. I have gone from 1hr 37min 44sec for my first half marathon to my current best of 1hr 20min 19sec which was last year (2006) I kept setting goals & reaching them. There is no way I would’ve got where I have without setting goals & I’m not finished either! This year (2007) I’m going to break 80min for the half marathon & run under 2hrs 55min for the Gold Coast Marathon. I have a goal in place with a deadline. I WILL DO IT! I also have a goal to do 35min for 10km.
Over the next 5yrs I have more goals set. I’m going to run under 2hrs 45min for the marathon. I’m going to run 75min for the half marathon & I’m going to run 34min for 10km. I know I will do it. I have a system in place (that’s called not giving up!) & I trust it. It will work & I will get there!
After that? Who knows? I will tackle that when I get there!
I’m not this super human. I find running hard like anybody else. I just love the results that come form it all. All I have done is set goals, made it a priority in my life & done what needs to be done to succeed.
You can apply the same principles that I have with my running to your goals. But you must make it a priority in your life. If you don’t then don’t expect to lose that weight. Don’t expect to get rid of that back pain. Don’t expect to get fitter or tone up. One thing you can expect is to be worse off than you are right now.
Don’t blame things for stopping you from getting what you want. We all have tough times in our lives. Bloody hell I’ve had plenty! But through all the good & all the bad I’ve never let it stop me from reaching my goals.
You can do it to!
I hope this short true story of my early running days helps you get motivated enough to reach your goals.
Darren McClellan
Since I wrote this which was 5 yrs ago I've now completed over 18 marathons fastest being 2hr54min, 9 or 10 ultras, over 40 1/2 marathons fastest being 79min and 100's of fun runs
I was one of those people
I decided to get what really bothers me out of my head & down on paper.
I believe, no in fact I know that if we want something bad enough we will get it. If it’s important enough we will do what needs to be done to get what we want.
We all need GOALS! Without goals we have no idea where we are going or what we want. If you decide to get married what do you do? Do you say I’m going to get married one day then expect it to happen? Do you need to get more specific? Maybe you might need to work out how it’s going to happen. I mean if you say your going to get married I think you need a partner. It’s a bit hard to get married on your own! You may have to set a date. What about a location? Food? Music? & then once you work out all the details you then need to sit down & work out who’s attending. After all this you then need to make an investment or hope mum or dad will pay for it. Either way you will find the money & the time to make that wedding happen. It will become a priority in your life. You want it bad & you will get it!
Lets look at another subject. Let’s say work. Why are you working? Is it to pay for the things you want out of life? Did you wake up one day & hey presto you had a job? Or did you have to put effort & planning in to getting that job. Maybe you had to work out what you wanted to do. You might had to spend time getting educated to get the skills required to do that job. Do you wake up in the morning & think to yourself if you should go to work or do you just get up & go. Most people have a system where they go in to auto pilot & get ready for work without to much thought. They have done it consistent enough so it’s a habit.
Another subject. Lets look at that holiday or short trip away. If you have a holiday planned for let’s say the Gold Coast. You book the airfare, you book the accommodation, you plan it all in advance. You know when you are leaving & when you are returning. If you catch a plane you even know what time your going. You make it a goal & a priority in your life to go on that holiday. Let’s say you wake up the morning you are leaving with a bit of a cold or you feel under the weather. Maybe even a bit sick. Do you cancel that holiday? NOT ON OR LIFE! You set a goal up & you will achieve it.
Now why is it then that we say I want to lose weight & expect it too happen? If you can find a job, find the time & money for a holiday or even plan a wedding why can’t you lose weight? It’s not rocket science. You MUST COMMIT! You have to be CONSISTANT. You need specific goals & a deadline. If you really want to lose that weight you can do it. If you haven’t then you don’t want to. Now I do believe that some people do have medical conditions that really do stop them from loosing weight, but most of us don’t have that problem. Our desire just isn’t strong enough.
If we spent less time making excuses for & more time committing you would reach your goal.
When was the last time you changed your mind about doing your exercise because you were tired? Have you ever cancelled you personal training session because of something else? Guess what? That something else is more important to you than loosing that weight. If you want to lose weight, get fit or tone up then you need to be making it the number 2 priority in your life. What’s number 1? It’s family. Number 2 is health & wellbeing & number 3 is work.
Here is a little story about the old me who found out about goals & was sick of being MR AVERAGE.
I use to be 100kg before I started running. I use to hover around 80kg then not long after my second daughter was born (she was 3 month premature & a lot of time was spent in hospital) I put it all on. I did manage to get some off over the following year & was around 88kg to 93kg. Then one day I had to get into a suit & the bloody pants were so tight I thought I had on the wrong pants. It was then I said bugger this I’m going to lose the weight. It MUST come off. I’m in my early 20’s & getting obese! It must have been that night I took Sharnie our Bull Mastiff for a run/walk. We went for around 20min & I was stuffed. Could hardly breathe. I used my asthma puffer almost 6 times! Now I could have gave up quite easily but thought to myself this has to get easier. I started taking Sharnie for a daily run/walk. 30min was the most I could handle. I was waking up sore & stiff but noticed I was feeling better as the day went on. This went on for about 2 weeks & after all of this I hadn’t lost much weight. Maybe ½ kilo. I thought I need to address what I’m eating. Now I was eating CRAP! And a lot of it. Loved my butter. Loved my chocolate. Loved my biscuits. Loved my coke. I was eating pies, sausage rolls, ice-cream. I was drinking fullcream milk. I’d have almost 2lt of that a day. Cheese…..yummmm. Loved my takeaway. I use to work as a storeman & I can remember many a times having morning break at 8:30am & having hot chips! Anyway the fact is I had to change what I was eating. I could do all the exercise in the world but if I wanted to reach my goal I had to change my eating habits.
I decided to go cold turkey. I gave up drinking anything but water. Water was all I drank. Now let me tell you it was a massive shock to the body! I gave up the butter, the ice cream, the chocolate. I started & having stirfrys for dinner & taking leftovers for lunch. My morning break was now fruit & yoghurt. As soon as I changed my eating habits I lost 20kg between February & April. It was a new me!
Now my goal at the time was to run around Lake Ginninderra non stop. This is a 7km loop around one of the lakes in Canberra. I can even remember the month when all this started. It was mid January and the year was 1999. It took me about 3 weeks to reach that goal. Now do you think I ran once or twice a week? NO. I ran 5 x a week rain, hail or shine. I was committed to reaching what I had set out to achieve & nothing was going to stop me! I just figured I’d lose the weight on the way
I ran 5 x a week & ate healthy. That’s all I did. In this time I was getting fitter & less stressed. I did this with a job working from 6am to 3pm and at the time I had 3 daughters & was married. When did I run? When did I fit this in? I dedicated 4pm & 5pm to my running.
I was starting to like running so I thought I might try & go in a race. I had no idea how I would go & was terrified that I might come last. But hey….running was keeping the weight off & I had reached my goal of running around the lake & I knew if I didn’t pick an event I would stop. I was getting board. I got on the internet & found out about the Canberra half marathon in May. It was 1 lap around Lake burley griffin. 21.1km!!!!! I thought if I could run 7km I could run 14km. If I can run 14km I could do 21km. So I set out for a long run of 14km around Lake Ginninderra 2 times. I have never felt so bloody exhausted in all my life! I did do it but bloody hell it was tough! I had about 4 weeks to get ready for this thing. I entered so now I was COMMITED! If I didn’t do this thing I was going to lose my $25 I invested & damn if I was going to let that happen!
One Saturday morning after I had finished work I parked my car at Lake Burley Griffin. I took a water bottle with me & off I went. I ran slow just wanting to get around the lake non stop. I knew if I could do it I could finish the race. Now if you think 14km is hard you should try 21km!
Over the next couple of weeks I ran that thing EVERY SATURDAY. I made it my Saturday goal. Nothing was going to get in the way. If I had to I would run at 5am. (never had to but I would’ve) I knew if I didn’t I wouldn’t complete the race.
Sunday 16th may 1999 was the race date & I remember heading off & plodding around the course. I finished running non stop in 1hr 37min & 44 seconds. I was placed 133rd overall. There must have been 400 or 500 people in it. Was I happy? Heck yeah! I completed my first ever race! I was weighing around 72kg & was feeling on top of the world! Much different than 5 months earlier when I couldn’t run for 30min without walking & was about 25kg heavier! The problem with all of this I found a new passion. I hated running but loved the results it gave me. And finishing a race was the best feeling in the world.
It’s now May 2007. It’s 8yrs ago I ran that race. It’s 8yrs ago I lost that weight. As I write this I’m about to race the Canberra half again. This will be my 6th Canberra half. A lot has changed since I set that goal 8yrs ago. I’ve been on quite a journey. It was a year later I completed my first marathon. That’s another story for another time but let me tell you that (at the time was the most painful thing I had ever done!) the marathon changed my life. I completed that marathon in 3hrs 40min 2sec. I couldn’t walk without limping for a week & it took 3 weeks before I could run again!
8 yrs on I have completed 9 marathons. The quickest in 2hr 56min. I have completed around 30 half marathons & 1 ultra marathon. I’m training for my 10th marathon in July & I’m completing another Canberra Half this weekend. I have gone from 1hr 37min 44sec for my first half marathon to my current best of 1hr 20min 19sec which was last year (2006) I kept setting goals & reaching them. There is no way I would’ve got where I have without setting goals & I’m not finished either! This year (2007) I’m going to break 80min for the half marathon & run under 2hrs 55min for the Gold Coast Marathon. I have a goal in place with a deadline. I WILL DO IT! I also have a goal to do 35min for 10km.
Over the next 5yrs I have more goals set. I’m going to run under 2hrs 45min for the marathon. I’m going to run 75min for the half marathon & I’m going to run 34min for 10km. I know I will do it. I have a system in place (that’s called not giving up!) & I trust it. It will work & I will get there!
After that? Who knows? I will tackle that when I get there!
I’m not this super human. I find running hard like anybody else. I just love the results that come form it all. All I have done is set goals, made it a priority in my life & done what needs to be done to succeed.
You can apply the same principles that I have with my running to your goals. But you must make it a priority in your life. If you don’t then don’t expect to lose that weight. Don’t expect to get rid of that back pain. Don’t expect to get fitter or tone up. One thing you can expect is to be worse off than you are right now.
Don’t blame things for stopping you from getting what you want. We all have tough times in our lives. Bloody hell I’ve had plenty! But through all the good & all the bad I’ve never let it stop me from reaching my goals.
You can do it to!
I hope this short true story of my early running days helps you get motivated enough to reach your goals.
Darren McClellan
Since I wrote this which was 5 yrs ago I've now completed over 18 marathons fastest being 2hr54min, 9 or 10 ultras, over 40 1/2 marathons fastest being 79min and 100's of fun runs
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Post Narrabeen
Well its been about a week since Narrabeen. In that week up to Thurs I've done no running. I pulled up quite sore on both knees. Feels like MCL damage but has improved quite a bit everyday.
Friday was my first run back and did a 6k on the treadmill in about 34min. Right knee was good but left knee was sligtly sore
Sat (today) was my next run. Again done on the treadmill but this time 10k in 55min. Knees wern't too bad. In fact it was the right foot which became sore right at the end of the run.
Next run I'll attempt is on Tues. Tomorrow is a well deserved Sunday rest!
Friday was my first run back and did a 6k on the treadmill in about 34min. Right knee was good but left knee was sligtly sore
Sat (today) was my next run. Again done on the treadmill but this time 10k in 55min. Knees wern't too bad. In fact it was the right foot which became sore right at the end of the run.
Next run I'll attempt is on Tues. Tomorrow is a well deserved Sunday rest!
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Narrabeen Allnighter 12hrs! 130.051km!
Wow! What a tough event this one is!
My day started by tossing and turning Fri night/Sat morning and really didn't get alot of sleep. That seems to happen alot before an ultra race. Spent Sat just trying to do nothing. Lying on the couch etc.
Mum came and picked us up about 2pm and by the time we squeezed everything in the car we were off.
First stop was to some chicken at this shop down at Narrabeen then to the supermarket to get some supplies then it was off to the race area to set up camp.
The weather was coolish waiting around but good for running.
7:30 we gather around for a bit of a race briefing then 8pm we line up ready to go.
Within about 1min Jo Blake takes the lead with me not too far behind. By the turnaround I think he slowed down to run with me then we kinda shared the lead for the first 20k. It felt really comfy and was happy to just keep that pace. We did go through the first 10k quite fast in 44:39.
It was about 20k and I noticed Jo slipping behind but wasnt sure if he would pick the pace up later
My girls Tiff & Skyla were there all night helping and really chearing me on.
I went through quite alot of bad patches all night and after about 40k I had my first toilet stop and a nasty vomit!
It was also around that time my right knee started to give me quite alot of grief but I could run with it. It was mainly all the ditches and at the turn arounds where it was the most painful. As the night went on all I wanted was icy cold water and ice. I pretty much just ran the whole way wetting my body with the water bags, chewing on ice.
The last hour was just hell and my body was starting to shut down. 42min to go and Í was just short of 7k to reach 130km. Going around the last lap I'd done 129.3k and had about 3min to get to 130k. Thinking I wouldn't do it I just kept shuffling along then all of a sudden I thought stuff it.....when will I get this chance again and knew I would hate myself if I fell 100m short so I just ran that last lap as hard as I could!
The hooter sounded and I just collapsed on the ground!
10k splits were
10k - 44:39
20k - 1:30:45
30k - 2:17:47
40k - 3:07:02
50k - 4:02:09
60k - 5:04:29
70k - 6:01:42
80k - 6:57:58
90k - 7:56:32
100k - 8:55:56
110k - 9:54:35
120k - 10:58:12
130.051 - 12:00:00!
My day started by tossing and turning Fri night/Sat morning and really didn't get alot of sleep. That seems to happen alot before an ultra race. Spent Sat just trying to do nothing. Lying on the couch etc.
Mum came and picked us up about 2pm and by the time we squeezed everything in the car we were off.
First stop was to some chicken at this shop down at Narrabeen then to the supermarket to get some supplies then it was off to the race area to set up camp.
The weather was coolish waiting around but good for running.
7:30 we gather around for a bit of a race briefing then 8pm we line up ready to go.
Within about 1min Jo Blake takes the lead with me not too far behind. By the turnaround I think he slowed down to run with me then we kinda shared the lead for the first 20k. It felt really comfy and was happy to just keep that pace. We did go through the first 10k quite fast in 44:39.
It was about 20k and I noticed Jo slipping behind but wasnt sure if he would pick the pace up later
My girls Tiff & Skyla were there all night helping and really chearing me on.
I went through quite alot of bad patches all night and after about 40k I had my first toilet stop and a nasty vomit!
It was also around that time my right knee started to give me quite alot of grief but I could run with it. It was mainly all the ditches and at the turn arounds where it was the most painful. As the night went on all I wanted was icy cold water and ice. I pretty much just ran the whole way wetting my body with the water bags, chewing on ice.
The last hour was just hell and my body was starting to shut down. 42min to go and Í was just short of 7k to reach 130km. Going around the last lap I'd done 129.3k and had about 3min to get to 130k. Thinking I wouldn't do it I just kept shuffling along then all of a sudden I thought stuff it.....when will I get this chance again and knew I would hate myself if I fell 100m short so I just ran that last lap as hard as I could!
The hooter sounded and I just collapsed on the ground!
10k splits were
10k - 44:39
20k - 1:30:45
30k - 2:17:47
40k - 3:07:02
50k - 4:02:09
60k - 5:04:29
70k - 6:01:42
80k - 6:57:58
90k - 7:56:32
100k - 8:55:56
110k - 9:54:35
120k - 10:58:12
130.051 - 12:00:00!
Friday, January 06, 2012
Friday......almost there!
Just a pretty relaxed day today. Wake up about 7:30ish and headed out the door for a comfy 6k.
Legs felt great
Legs felt great
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Thursday...only 2 days to go
A nice and easy 10.7k on a nice flat road. Right butt still quite tight but I'm pretty certain I'll be able to run on it for 12hrs
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Wed and much better!
First thing I thought about when I woke up was how my piriformis would be when I walked on it. Happy to say it felt ok. It was tight and I could definitely feel the difference between the sore right one and the good left one.
I had a massage booked in this morning down at Umina so I drove down to Booker Bay and ran easy 27min out and got a bit past Ocean beach then turned around and ran back in 26min. 10.6k in 53:30
I was quite happy with how my piriformis felt
I had a massage booked in this morning down at Umina so I drove down to Booker Bay and ran easy 27min out and got a bit past Ocean beach then turned around and ran back in 26min. 10.6k in 53:30
I was quite happy with how my piriformis felt
Tuesday post around the bay
Just went for run around the streets of Bensville. A little under 4k in 19min.
A few hills and a little bit of trail. I found my right piriformis really tight and sore.
Got a bit worried. Straight away I stretched and iced it then got the tens machine on it later followed by having Denise massage it to help release it.
A few hills and a little bit of trail. I found my right piriformis really tight and sore.
Got a bit worried. Straight away I stretched and iced it then got the tens machine on it later followed by having Denise massage it to help release it.
Monday, January 02, 2012
Around the Bay
4am and the alarm goes off......a yawn and a stretch and I somehow drag my body out of bed. Actually quite surprised how good my legs feel after yesterdays effort.
After some toast and coffee and a shower we make our way to Gosford. Got there about 4:50 so it's only 10min later and we are ready to run.
After a moments silence for the passing of Leon yesterday we are off
Straight away Mick takes off like a man on a mission followed by Ian, myself and Mark.It's only about 2min of running and it was going to be Mick, Mark & Ian running happily at about 4min/km pace. I was happy to just settle back and run on how I felt. I didn't want to push it if I felt too sore or stuffed. By the Avoca dve intersection I could see the 3 of them go through in about 12:40 I went through about 40sec later in about 13:20.
That was the last I saw of Mick and Mark but could still spot Ian in the distance.
First drink stop (5.5k) in 23:40 and 20sec or so I thought I better move on.
The hills start just after this and 2 of them are a decent one.
Again I spotted Ian about 2min ahead. I got to the second drink stop 10km in 43min then it was a very dew/wet/foggy frost reserve to run across.
Back on Empire Bay drive just past the Kincumber tennis courts and one of the last main hills to get up. I could see Ian making his way up in the distance.
Next thing I know I see Graeme Ridley on his own at the 3rd drink stop (14.7k) just past the Bensville turn off. 1hr3min I've been going now. A lollie and a coke and I head off again.
And again in the far distance I see Ian head down to Empire Bay. He's creeping away from me now. Get to the 4th drink stop (18K)in 1hr19min and Mike Gero is there with some more drink, lollies etc.
Get moving again and still feel pretty good. The run to the 5th drink stop (22k) at Booker Bay/Blacwall was one of the best part of this run. I alawys enjoy that section. Get to the 5th drink stop in 1hr40min
The toughest part of the run now begins. Pretty much just flat concrete for the rest of the way. I get to WoyWoy at the start of the bay to bay course in 1hr55min (26km)and set a goal of going sub 2:50. About 1km ahead I again catch a glimpse of Ian and that's the last time I see him until the finish
6th drink stop (28.5km)and no idea what my time was at this one and I'm now getting tired and aches are kicking in. Not wanting to stop long so I don't turn into rigor mortis I head off after some more coke and water and some cordial stuff.
7th and final drink stop (32km)and reach it in 2hrs24min and think now only 5km to go!
The rest of the run went pretty smooth and just kept a nice pace to the end.
Finished the 37k in 2hrs47min
Mark did 2:28, Mick 2:31 and Ian in 2:42
Now I need to freshen up for Narrabeen on Sat
After some toast and coffee and a shower we make our way to Gosford. Got there about 4:50 so it's only 10min later and we are ready to run.
After a moments silence for the passing of Leon yesterday we are off
Straight away Mick takes off like a man on a mission followed by Ian, myself and Mark.It's only about 2min of running and it was going to be Mick, Mark & Ian running happily at about 4min/km pace. I was happy to just settle back and run on how I felt. I didn't want to push it if I felt too sore or stuffed. By the Avoca dve intersection I could see the 3 of them go through in about 12:40 I went through about 40sec later in about 13:20.
That was the last I saw of Mick and Mark but could still spot Ian in the distance.
First drink stop (5.5k) in 23:40 and 20sec or so I thought I better move on.
The hills start just after this and 2 of them are a decent one.
Again I spotted Ian about 2min ahead. I got to the second drink stop 10km in 43min then it was a very dew/wet/foggy frost reserve to run across.
Back on Empire Bay drive just past the Kincumber tennis courts and one of the last main hills to get up. I could see Ian making his way up in the distance.
Next thing I know I see Graeme Ridley on his own at the 3rd drink stop (14.7k) just past the Bensville turn off. 1hr3min I've been going now. A lollie and a coke and I head off again.
And again in the far distance I see Ian head down to Empire Bay. He's creeping away from me now. Get to the 4th drink stop (18K)in 1hr19min and Mike Gero is there with some more drink, lollies etc.
Get moving again and still feel pretty good. The run to the 5th drink stop (22k) at Booker Bay/Blacwall was one of the best part of this run. I alawys enjoy that section. Get to the 5th drink stop in 1hr40min
The toughest part of the run now begins. Pretty much just flat concrete for the rest of the way. I get to WoyWoy at the start of the bay to bay course in 1hr55min (26km)and set a goal of going sub 2:50. About 1km ahead I again catch a glimpse of Ian and that's the last time I see him until the finish
6th drink stop (28.5km)and no idea what my time was at this one and I'm now getting tired and aches are kicking in. Not wanting to stop long so I don't turn into rigor mortis I head off after some more coke and water and some cordial stuff.
7th and final drink stop (32km)and reach it in 2hrs24min and think now only 5km to go!
The rest of the run went pretty smooth and just kept a nice pace to the end.
Finished the 37k in 2hrs47min
Mark did 2:28, Mick 2:31 and Ian in 2:42
Now I need to freshen up for Narrabeen on Sat
Sunday, January 01, 2012
Beyond the black stump 2012!!!
The run today.....distance is in miles
Well its the first day of the year and what a cracking start its been!
Beyond the black stump was on the cards today. This was the 2nd time I've run this. I did it last yr not really knowing how tough that hill is. This year I knew what I was in for but it was just as bloody tough!
Went pretty comfy for most of the run but was feeling it after the ruined castle coming back up that hill. Even managed to fall and do a stunning barrel roll then get up and get on with the running again. The run down to the ferry is a great relief and to time it so I get there just as the ferry is arriving was even better!
I was with about 5 or 6 runners n the start of that hill/mtn but decided I wanted to just take my time so I let them all passed and happily walked up to the top. I remember last year feeling like throwing up but all good this year. In saying that the legs were stuffed and I don't think I could've went much quicker.
On the road to the finish and for some reason now I had dead legs so I just plodded to the end
32k done in 3hr24min. 8min faster than last year
Got to the ferry in 49min (we had to wait a while)
Top of the road hill in 1hr20min (I think)
Ruined castle in 1hr42min
Back to the ferry in about 1hr28min
Top of the mtn in jst over 3hrs
And back in 3hr24min
Well its the first day of the year and what a cracking start its been!
Beyond the black stump was on the cards today. This was the 2nd time I've run this. I did it last yr not really knowing how tough that hill is. This year I knew what I was in for but it was just as bloody tough!
Went pretty comfy for most of the run but was feeling it after the ruined castle coming back up that hill. Even managed to fall and do a stunning barrel roll then get up and get on with the running again. The run down to the ferry is a great relief and to time it so I get there just as the ferry is arriving was even better!
I was with about 5 or 6 runners n the start of that hill/mtn but decided I wanted to just take my time so I let them all passed and happily walked up to the top. I remember last year feeling like throwing up but all good this year. In saying that the legs were stuffed and I don't think I could've went much quicker.
On the road to the finish and for some reason now I had dead legs so I just plodded to the end
32k done in 3hr24min. 8min faster than last year
Got to the ferry in 49min (we had to wait a while)
Top of the road hill in 1hr20min (I think)
Ruined castle in 1hr42min
Back to the ferry in about 1hr28min
Top of the mtn in jst over 3hrs
And back in 3hr24min
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